
Maldives Immigration vows to deport foreigners conducting business illegally

Controller General of Maldives Immigration, Mohamed Sham’aan Waheed has announced that foreigners conducting business in the Maldives without the necessary permits will be identified and deported.

Sham’aan’s statement follows a recent operation by the police and Immigration where 50 foreigners working illegally in local markets in Male’ City were detained and handed over to Immigration.

Highlighting the efforts, Sham’aan said several foreigners were taken into immigration’s custody for conducting unauthorized business activities during Saturday’s operation. Those found violating their permitted work conditions will be deported in accordance with the regulations, he stated.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has pledged to find a solution to the issue of illegal immigrants in the Maldives. Sham’aan reiterated Immigration’s commitment to the pledge and emphasized that the department will continue to fulfill its responsibilities to achieve the pledge.