
Gender bias in education is still present: Dr. Shakeela

Former Health Minister Dr. Mariyam Shakeela has said that gender bias within the education system is still present.

Speaking in the 7th Global Congress and Conferment Ceremony of Singapore's Royal Institute, Dr. Shakeela said the opportunity given to girls, both at school and home, to make their own decisions was limited. The role, she said, was normally taken by their parents, guardians or elders. She further said girls and women were offered limited opportunities in developing leadership skills.

"When teaching, some of the lessons, the actions of some teams, discriminates between girls and boys. So when the children grow up, this is normalized, they do not have independent thought. They do not have leadership skills," Shakeela said.

Shakeela added that there were many challenges for those women who are active in the workforce. As such, women, she said, had to work twice as hard as men to prove themselves. If more women were able to show case this ability, then she said more opportunities will become accessible to women.

Dr. Shakeela spoke at length on the additional challenges posed to women, stating that harassment has become institutionalized instead of opportunities.