
PSM DMD conferred as Fellow of Royal Institute

Deputy Managing Director of Public Service Media (PSM) Aminath Shayan Shahid has been conferred as a Fellow of Singapore's Royal Institute. She was conferred Fellowship status from Management area.

All registered members of the Institute will be awarded global recognition status. The Institute honors individuals with exemplary achievement and service in various fields.

In addition to Shaayan, Sun Media Group CEO Sinan Ali, Sun Online Chief Editor Ahmed Zahir (Hiriga) were also conferred Fellowship status.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Qayyoom was conferred the Honoree Fellow status from the Institute as well.

Royal Institute's Research Fellow status was also conferred on former Health Minister Dr. Mariyam Shakeela, Deputy Finance Minister Dr. Aishath Muneez and Civil Service Commission President Dr. Ali Shameem.

MDA Leader Ahmed Siyam Mohamed was also conferred as Doctor Fellow. MDA Deputy Leader Aishath Rafiyya was honored as the first Honoree President from South Asia region from Royal Institute of Public Administration.