
High Court reverses death penalty ruling on Fariyash

High Court, on Monday, nullified the death penalty sentence issued on Fariyash Ahmed issued by Criminal Court.

The death penalty was issued on Fariyash in 2008, in connection to the murder of Shihab in 2006.

Criminal Court issued the death penalty after Fariyash had been proven to have committed the murder beyond a reasonable doubt. The murder had been carried out by a group.

The sentence commuted eight years ago, was nullified today, based on lack of supporting evidence in connection to the case. The presiding Judge in today's hearing said the state had not been able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there was sufficient proof linking him to the murder.

The state lawyers had not submitted additional evidence other than eye-witness statements to the court. None of the witness statements had been concise about whether if it was Fariyash who had actually carried out the murder, including the eye-witness closest to the murder.

An additional three individuals had also been issued the death penalty in connection to the murder. Ali Masood Saeed, of Mars, GA Maamendhoo, Mohamed Qasim of Tharividhaa and Mohamed Shifraz of Pink Light.

The High Court ruling said there was no sufficient evidence or eyewitness statements to back the death penalty sentence. The High Court ruling said the decision was the unanimous decision of the bench that had reviewed the case.