
One family still in temporary shelter

The Coast Line Hardware fire was one of the most devastating fires in recent history in the country. Around 80 individuals living in adjacent homes had to be evacuated to temporary shelters.

Under the administration of National Disaster Management Center (NDMC) the 80 individuals were transferred to guest houses. The Government had also passed to reimburse the families hardest hit by the fire. The proceeds were handed over to 34 families on April 30.

Along with proceeds from Coast Line Hardware, Government and private donors, the individuals under temporary shelters had been transferred back to their homes. Only one family remains under state care.

Speaking to Avas, NDMC Official Hisaan Hassan said all families have been transferred to their homes except for the family living in M. Iraaku Villa. He said the family had not been able to transfer back as the proceeds had not been handed over to the family. Hisaan did not elaborate on the reasons for the delay.

"Only one family remains in temporary shelter, the cash had not been handed over to them. All others have been transferred back to their own places. We will hand over the cash to Iraaku family soon," Hisaan said.

Hisaan added that additional proceeds have to be handed over to some of the businesses in the surrounding area. Hisaan said they were still in the process of identifying the owners of the businesses and will hand it over at the soonest.

NDMC said that they had handed over the cash only after proper assessment of the losses. The Government said that over MVR 3 million had been spent on the families in temporary shelters.