
Expat deposit figures do not tally: Audit

  • Issue occurred due to issue in immigration system
  • Financial systems need to be strengthened
  • Shortage of MVR 4 million

Auditor General's Office has stated that there were many issues in keeping the cash paid by expatriates as their deposit money.

The audit reports of 2014 on Defense Ministry and related agencies showed that there was a discrepancy in the deposited amounts. The audit report noted that set procedures for the audit reports had not been followed in the deposits. The deposit amounts have to be returned to the expatriate if they have to leave provided the expatriate has a clean record.

The report said that from 2014 onward, the records do not reflect the amount.

"Note the amount stated as surplus deposit in Immigration and Emigration financial statements, amounting to MVR 171,715,620 cannot be determined as accurate," the report said.

The report said the statements on the "receivables and expenditure statement" for 2014 said they had received MVR 246.4 million, but the system records had shown a figure of MVR 241.5 million - a difference of MVR 4 million.

The report said the Immigration had said the discrepancy had occurred due to an error in the online system.

The report had advised the Agency to rectify the issue, instill proper control systems and to reconcile the difference.