Ahmed Mahloof

My resolve will not fail even if jailed: Mahloof

MP Ahmed Mahloof has stated there was the possibility that he will end up with a guilty verdict today but even if he was jailed his resolve will not waver.

Speaking to press outside Criminal Court, Mahloof said the charges against him were politically motivated and the verdict will be in the same manner. However, he said he will not stop the work he is carrying out against the Government.

"Even if I'm jailed, there will be others who will take on the challenge. Its very clear. I hope and I believe that I will be able to return back even if I was given a guilty verdict. I will return back hopefully with a changed government," Mahloof said.

Mahloof appealed all citizens to fully cooperate with the anti-Government efforts and that major rallies and activities against the Government will begin after the rally on the 21st.

Mahloof said that he was sure that he will be declared guilty and jailed. However, he said that he had no fear and that his resolve was not affected by this. He said the biggest penalty was a six month jail term or a fee. Neither option will put MP Mahloof seat at the Parliament at risk. An MP will lose his seat if he is jailed for over a year.

The other obstruction of duty charges were raised on Mahloof for crossing Police barricades to a cordoned off area.