
Top 10 students awarded

  • 74 students in first place with all A's
  • 40 students in global top 10
  • Five students claim subject prizes in four subjects globally

The O’ Level Top Achievers’ Awards 2015 was held last night. President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayyoom was the chief guest of the ceremony.

From last year's O'Level examinations, 504 students from 90 schools made the Top 10 in the Maldives, with 74 students placed first with straight A's in all subjects.

Globally, 40 students from Maldives were in Top 10, with five students claiming subject prizes in four different subjects. The five students were among the hundreds of thousands of students winning subject prizes. Seventeen students won the "Best in Maldives" award and eight students won the High Achievers Award.

Last year, the pass rate for C pass and above was 46.9 percent. The ungraded results for last year, compared to 2014, had drooped by 1.2 percent. Five subject passes had increased to 55.7 percent; compared to 2014 this an improvement of 3.7 percent. Schools scoring an overall 60 percent pass rate had increased to 63 schools compared to 38 in 2014. Additionally, 17 schools had increased the five subject pass rate to 80 percent.