
BML confirms ATM facility at Tree Top hospital


Bank of Maldives (BML) on Thursday confirmed that a new Self-Service (deposit and withdrawal) ATM facility will be located within the grounds of the Tree Top Hospital in the reclaimed suburb Hulhumale.

BML's Senior management on Thursday inspected the development of the new Treetop Hospital in Hulhumale which was part-financed by the Bank.

According to BML, CEO and Managing Director Andrew Healy had praised the hospital’s progress and its facilities during the visit.

“This truly is a hospital of the highest international standards and we are delighted to support its
development. The facilities here will add enormously to the level of patient care on offer in this
country and one can only admire the vision and determination of everyone involved in this complex
project," Healy said.

"We can see our Bank’s funding investment is in safe hands and we are enthused by the
benefits the hospital will bring to Hulhumale’ and the entire country”.

Tree Top Hospital will provide open heart surgery for the first time in the Maldives and will provide countless other world class health services. The hospital will be a fully automated hospital and will be connected to various other Tree Top Hospitals across the globe.

The multi specialty hospital will house 200 beds, and will be equipped with revolutionary facilities for the Maldives.

An emergency power system and a restaurant will also be placed inside the six storey hospital building in Hulhumale.

Treetop Hospital is expected to open its doors in the last quarter of this year.

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why at hulhumale again, why dont u give BML ATM facilities on islands.. for other islands people it is very difficult to take money... and their salary is depositing on bml... just to take salary we have to travel some other islands or male... for us its compulsary to deposit the salry on bml... so pls think and give these faility to other islands...
