
Famous advocate suggests 'dissolving' MNDF

Former Attorney General and famous advocate Husnu-Al-Suood has claimed to dissolve Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) under an 'acceptable' government.

The popular advocate made his statement through Twitter, stating that if a respectable government takes over the MNDF's army unit will be completely disbanded in favor of Coastguard and Marine Police units exclusively.

"Nearly MVR 7 million of the public's tax money is expended on MNDF, the recovered money will be used to finance for the development of hospitals and medical institutes in atolls," Suood said.

Although an often outspoken lawyer, Suood has directed harsh criticism from public for his recent tweet. With many reasoning the security forces was responsible for providing career opportunities for many of the youths in the country.

Some have explained how the lack of MNDF or an army force in the country's backyard could pose several threats to the island nation's security.

The famed advocate had in previous tweets claimed to amend several practiced customs in the country's governance and judicial system. One of the most noteworthy changes he promised to deliver under an acceptable government [preferably run by any of the current opposition aligned parties] was to completely prohibit confidential testimonies or discreet evidences used in trials.

Though he has stated the said changes will come to fruition under a 'government we want', he had not specified or explained his vision for an acceptable government.

The former attorney general is politically aligned with prime opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).