Maldives requested Madagascar to withdraw their bid and support Maldives in hosting the Indian Ocean Island Games (IOIG) 2023.
Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid and Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof met with the special envoy of Madagascar Prime Minister earlier this week, during which Minister Shahid delivered a letter from the President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih addressed to Prime Minister Olivier Mahafaly Solonandrasana.
In a tweet, Minister Shahid revealed letter was delivered to Madagascar Prime Minister requesting support Maldives in its bid to host IOIG 2023.
IOIG is held in every four years. The bid to host the games in 2023 were submitted by Maldives, Madagascar and Comoros. To secure support on the bid to host the IOIG games 2023 Ministers Mahloof and Shahid will be travelling to three countries as special envoys of the President.
Last week Ministers Shahid and Mahloof travelled to Seychelles to call on the President of the Seychelles Danny Faure. President Danny Faure assured that Seychelles will back Maldives with their bid to host IOIG 2023.
The winner of the bid to host the IOIG 2023 will be announced at the meeting of the countries which will be taking place in Mauritius. Mauritius will be hosting IOIG 2019. The IOIG Council President Antonio Gopal and other council members visited the Maldives to inspect the country's sports facilities. Antonio Gopal said that they were impressed by the enthusiasm and level of preparation shown by the Maldives to host the games.