
Construction of second over-water bridge to be contracted to Indian company


The construction of the bridge linking Male' city with industrial island Thilafushi, 'Thila-Male' Bridge' will be contracted to an Indian company, the government has announced.

Speaking at a news conference held at the Planning Ministry on Thursday, State Minister Akram Kamaluddin said the pre-qualification process for the project is currently ongoing in India. The project will be funded under Indian assistance, and the tender process will begin in July, said the minister. The government is not looking to hand over the project to any other countries, he added.

"Discussions are currently underway with India. The project cost has not yet been finalized. We are not in discussion with any other parties other than India," said Akram.

He added that the policy followed in carrying out projects funded under foreign assistance is to include companies of the particular government in implementation of the project. In this regard, the companies will be shortlisted by the assisting government and the tender process will also be carried out by them, said Akram.

The survey of the project has already been contracted to a party.

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Hussain Umar

Haha haha.... this will never happen bla bla bla bla keep on talking
