
Daily COVID-19 stats: Sixth fatality, 56 new infections

The Maldives on Monday recorded 56 new cases of COVID-19.

The National Emergency Operations Centre said at its regular press briefing that 56 samples tested positive for COVID-19 over the past 24 hours. The figure includes 27 Maldivians and 29 Bangladeshi nationals, said the centre's Spokesperson, Mabrook Abdul Azeez. 26 out of the 27 locals who tested positive on Monday are linked to known clusters, and four out of the 29 foreigners have no links to previous clusters, said NEOC.

Health Protection Agency (HPA)'s epidemiologist Dr. Ibrahim Afzal said although a large number of people are testing positive for the virus every day, authorities do not believe there is any need for the eases given on the restrictions imposed to be reinstated.

The Maldives recorded its sixth COVID-19 related fatality on Monday. The 54 year old Bangladeshi national passed away while receiving treatment at Tree Top Hospital. 35 new recoveries were also recorded on Monday, bringing the total number of recoveries to 488.