
Govt seeks party to manage protected island Keylakunu

Keylakunu - photo: AVAS

Haa Dhaalu (Hdh.) Atoll Council is seeking a party to manage the protected island, Keylakunu. The island has been declared as a protected island by the present administration.

As per the announcement issued by the council, it is seeking a party to manage Keylakunu for six months with the possibility of extending the agreement after six months.

One of the conditions specified in the announcement is not to undertake any activity that will harm or damage the environment of the island. The party should inform the council office of any economic activity that will be carried out on the island, and report of any trespassers to the island.

The island was previously leased for agricultural purposes. However, the former administration decided to develop the island as a resort and announced its plan. The public voiced their approval against the proposal due to the island's unique and rich natural features, including mangroves and wetlands, and thick woods.

Keylakunu is located near the capital of the atoll, Hdh. Kulhudhuffushi. The island used to be inhabited many years ago, and historical documents state that the island was later abandoned and deserted after a natural calamity caused by the rainy season.

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