
MTCC provides update on progress of two harbor projects


Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has provided updates on the progress of the design and build of two harbors.

The Construction of H.A. Ihavandhoo harbor was awarded to MTCC on 26th August 2019 by the Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure. The scope of the project include the construction of 284 meter breakwater, 179 meter revetment, 95 meter quay wall, the construction of a ramp and a walkway, construction of a 4,581.5 square meter pavement as well as installation of 20 mooring blocks, navigational lights and harbor lights.

MTCC on Monday said the work on design and build of Ha. Ihavandhoo harbor is well underway, with overall 35 percent project progress. New harbor basin dredging works for the project is currently ongoing, with 59% completion. The value of the project is MVR 48.5 million.

MTCC was awarded the construction of N. Miladhoo harbor on 25th September 2019. The project was mobilized on 25th March 2020. The project scope include dredging and excavation operations of 37,222cbm, construction of a 137 meter revetment, construction of a 248 meter breakwater, construction of a 286 meter quay wall, the development of a 1,430 square meter pavement as well as the installation of navigational lights and street lights.

According to the latest updates provided by MTCC, work on design and build of N. Miladhoo harbor also progressing well, with overall 38 percent project progress. New harbor basin dredging works for the project is currently ongoing, with 82% completion. The value of the project is MVR 42.1 million.

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