
Deputy MD of Maldive Gas resigns amid corruption allegations

Deputy Managing Director of Maldive Gas, Ikram Ali has resigned from the post amid corruption allegations.

It is alleged that corruption involving approximately MVR 16 million took place in procuring oxygen cylinders for COVID-19 facilities through Maldives Gas, as used cylinders were bought instead of new cylinders as required. The case is currently being investigated by the Parliament, and Ikram was summoned to the Parliament Committee on state-owned enterprises regarding the case.

Speaking at the committee on Monday, Ikram defended the allegations against him and said the audit report listed a higher price than the approved price for the cylinders. Those who prepared the report are all working against him in order to frame him, alleged Ikram. He insisted that no corruption was involved in purchasing 4,128 oxygen cylinders for COVID-19 facilities, and said any issue regarding the transaction is to be blamed on the relevant departments. He is unaware of the process followed by the departments in procuring the cylinders, said Ikram.

When asked why the shipment of old cylinders were accepted while the order was put in for new cylinders, why there was no investigation regarding the mix-up and why the company had not attempted to get a discounted price due to the mix-up, Ikram said such details are not his responsibilities. Ikram said he took no action, and that he received the ‘Goods Received Notice’ three days later, and the audit had already started by then. He did not wish to further delve into the matter, he added.

Committee members noted that it is not acceptable that a senior official of the company was unaware when such a serious issue had arose regarding a company transaction. They also noted that no attempts were made for refunds after the old cylinders were received in the place of new cylinders.

Ikram was also asked regarding his alleged links to Singaporean company that supplied the cylinders. While it is alleged that Ikram went on holiday to Singapore on a ticket provided by the company, committee members questioned Ikram regarding the trip. In his response, Ikram said he has no links to the company, and that he visited Singapore on a friend’s invitation, and that the ticket was provided by said friend. His travel companion has links to the company, he added.