
Shore protection of three islands contracted to MTCC


Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has signed agreements with the Planning Ministry towards implementing Shore Protection projects in S. Hithadhoo, B. Kendhoo, and B. Dharavandhoo. MTCC's CEO Adam Azim and Permanent Secretary of Planning Ministry, Zeeniya Hameed, signed the agreements on Thursday.

The scope of Hithadhoo's Shore Protection Project includes 6891 cbm of beach filling, construction of a 100m breakwater, and 570m geo bag structures. The value of the project is MVR 11.64 million, and the project is to be completed within 165 days.

Dharavandhoo's Shore Protection project includes 10,800 cbm of beach filling, construction of a 490m breakwater, and a 96m revetment. The value of the project is MVR 22.14 million, and the project is to be completed within 180 days.

Kendhoo Shore Protection project includes dredging operations of swimming track, construction of an 803m breakwater, and an 80m revetment. The value of the project is MVR 39.99 million, and the project is to be completed within 365 days.

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