
Gov't seeks party to develop harbor in Magoodhoo island


The Finance Ministry is seeking a party to design and construct a harbor in N. Magoodhoo.

The announcement by the Finance Ministry said only companies registered under the Planning Ministry's regulations for contractors who meet the criteria would be assessed under the National Competetive Bidding (NCB) policy. A bid security of MVR 190,000 is required to take part in the bid, in addition to a registration fee of MVR 500. Bids must be submitted before 10:00 am, January 19.

Magoodhoo island, which has a population of 433 people, already has a 300-feet in length and 15-feet wide harbor. Speaking to AVAS, Magoodhoo Council's President Fathuhulla Naseer said a new harbor is needed as the current harbor is too small and due to sand collecting into the harbor area due to a design flaw. He also said dangerous incidents occur at the harbor during the Iruvai monsoon as the seas near the breakwater channel entrance get rough.

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