Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has provided updates on three projects in progress.
According to MTCC, work on the design and build of Hdh. Hanimaadhoo Harbor Development Project is also well underway, with overall 55% project progress. Quay wall concrete works are ongoing in addition to sand-filled breakwater construction works.
MTCC was awarded the design and build of HDh. Hanimaadhoo harbor upgrade on 24th September 2019. The MVR 57.1 million project includes dredging and reclamation of an area covering 53,523 cubic meters, construction of 335, breakwater, 90m of groynes, 270m of quay wall, 50m of revetment, and 2583 square meters of pavement. The project also includes the installation of two-arm streetlights, a ramp, and mooring buoys.

MTCC said the work on the design and build of Shore Protection Structures at V. Fulidhoo is well underway, with overall 52% project progress. The company said that the final shipment of rock boulders required for breakwater construction was delivered to the project site on 13th February.
The project's scope includes dredging, backfilling, and beach filling of 12,127.50cbm of sand; construction of 210m groynes and 270m breakwater. The value of the project is MVR 16.94 million.

Providing updates on the progress of N. Manadhoo Harbor Channel Dredging and Breakwater Construction Project, MTCC said dredging operations and footing casting works for jetty construction are currently ongoing.
The project's scope includes dredging and excavation operations of 29,038cbm; construction of a 195m breakwater; a 188m revetment; a concrete bridge; a ramp, and installation of navigational aids. The value of the project is MVR 29.1 million.