
USD 37 mln utilized from Green Fund for Komandoo island in February


Statistics have shown that MVR 37 million was utilized from the Green Fund in February for Sh. Komandoo.

The government introduced the Green Tax in October 2016 to gather funds to tackle environmental issues in the Maldives. USD 3 is charged as Green Tax per tourist at local guest houses, and USD 6 is charged per head at other tourism service providers. The "Green Fund" was later established in February 2019, and since then, revenue collected as Green Tax is deposited into the fund.

The Finance Ministry's Green Fund report shows MVR 107 million was utilized from the Green Fund in February, out of which over MVR 37 million went to Komandoo island's coastal protection projects. This is the largest amount spent from the Green Fund for a single island in recent history.

Earlier this year, the government spent over MVR 300 million on Komandoo Island, ahead of the Komandoo constituency by-election.

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