
WDC by-election scheduled for June 17

The Election Commission (EC) has decided to hold the first by-election under the amendment to the Decentralization Act in June this year.

By-elections were previously held under the Decentralisation Act within 60 days of the resignation of a Women's Development Committees (WDC) member. However, the act was amended last year such that by-elections for WDCs are held once a year. However, if the quorum required for a WDC is not met, the election must be held within 60 days from the date of the vacancy.

According to EC, the first election since the amendment took effect will be held on Saturday, June 17.

Those who wish to contest the election have until April 18 to submit their applications. The by-elections will be held in:

HDh. Finey
Sh. Maaungoodhoo
R. Meedhoo
K. Dhiffushi
M. Veyvah
F. Bilehdhoo
Th. Gaadhiffushi
L. Maamendhii
GDh. Vaadhoo
GDh. Hoandedhdhoo

The decision to hold WDC by-elections once a year was taken to avoid the high expenses incurred when by-elections are held frequently.