
Five MPs appointed to preside over Parliament in Speakers' absence


The Parliament has appointed five MPs to preside over the parliamentary sittings in the absence of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

Article 82 (b) of the Constitution and Article 44 (a) of the Parliament rules stipulate that five members shall be appointed to preside over the Parliament in the absence of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker. The five members are selected based on their continuous service duration in the Parliament.

The Parliament rules state that the order of these members is determined by the length of their terms in office, and in the event of a tie, by their seniority in age.

The appointed members in order are:

Ahmed Siyam Mohamed - Meedhoo Constituency: Serving since February 27, 2005, with 19 years and three months of uninterrupted service.
Qasim Ibrahim - Maamigili Constituency: Serving since May 28, 2009, with 15 years of uninterrupted service.
Ahmed Saleem - Eydhafushi Constituency: Serving since May 28, 2009, with 15 years of uninterrupted service.
Abdul Ghafoor Moosa - Hanimaadhoo Constituency: Serving since May 28, 2009, with 15 years of uninterrupted service.
Ahmed Thariq - Mahibadhoo Constituency: Serving since May 28, 2014, with 10 years of uninterrupted service.

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