
Letter kept confidential by Judiciary Committee disclosed by Accounts Committee

MP Qasim Ibrahim chairing the Public Accounts Committee

The Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee has revealed the contents of a letter that the Judiciary Committee had previously kept confidential.

The letter, submitted by a private individual, concerned issues regarding the Tax Appeal Tribunal.

Last week, the Judiciary Committee conducted a closed-door meeting to keep both the session and the identity of the individual that submitted the letter confidential. However, during an open Public Accounts Committee meeting on Tuesday, the committee’s Chair, MP Qasim Ibrahim disclosed the letter and the identity of the petitioner.

According to the letter, some members of the Tax Appeal Tribunal are allegedly using their positional influence to incur unbudgeted expenditures. The letter also stated that illegal activities were taking place within the tribunal.

After the later was heard, the administrative staff in the Public Accounts brought to the attention of the Chair that the matter of the letter is already being addressed by the Judiciary Committee. Therefore, the Public Accounts Committee decided that it does not have to take further action on the matter.

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