
No extension on Qasim Ibrahim's medical leave

Jumhoory Party leader and Villa Group head Qasim Ibrahim who recently flew to Singapore seeking the much required medical attention over his deteriorating health condition has been denied of extension to his medical leave.

The medical board of Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) issued a period of 10 days to the prosecuted leader who faces a jail term of 3 years 2 months and 12 days of being guilty to grafting lawmakers. The medical leave period expires on Saturday.

Qasim Ibrahim's family had filed a formal request along with doctor's recommendation and advice seeking an additional 3 day time to his 10 day leave, at Correctional Service.

Following the request MCS had forwarded their response denying to allocate the required extension for the Jumhoory Party leader's medical leave period.

MCS was unavailable to cite an official statement regarding the matter.

A doctor from Singapore's Paragon Medical Center affirmed that the ailing Villa Group head requires a Coronary-Angiogram and Coronary-Angioplast examination and procedure. The consulting doctor to Qasim Ibrahim also urged that the politician requires a period of 3 months time in close inspection.

Before flying abroad to seek specific medical attention, Qasim Ibrahim was admitted at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), ADK Hospital as well as Medica. In addition to this, a Correctional Service dispatched doctor had inspected Jumhoory Party head's condition and advised to seek further medical remedies.

During his trial period, the Villa Group head fainted while awaiting at Criminal Court for his hearing.

Home Ministry had issued a strict order to arrange quick transportation of Qasim Ibrahim regarding his health condition during court's verdict. However Attorney General had repealed the clause from verdict.