
Operation to bring JP leader to homeland, confirms Police

Maldives Police Service has confirmed the authority has initiated the task of bringing convicted Jumhoory Party leader and Villa Group head Qasim Ibrahim after his medical leave to foreign expired.

Maldives Corrections Service placed the request to Police to fly the incriminated lawmaker Ibrahim to homeland where his sentence for a 3 year 2 month and 12 day jail term awaits.

Police stated that Corrections will place request for any individual under a conviction to be flown back to homeland following the termination of any temporary pardon or leave granted for specific reasons, adding that it is the general conduct and regulation.

The leave duration had expired on October 2, to which Corrections claimed that should the JP leader avoid flying to Maldives, he will be classified a felon.

This was countered by the advocate team of Villa group head who confirmed he ailing lawmaker was not granted to board Singapore Airlines flight due to his still critical condition - although he was reported to be stabilizing, according to the consulting doctors Mr. Ibrahim is not fit to travel yet. The relevant travel documents along with doctors' recommendations were presented to Corrections Service according to JP leader's lawyers.

Villa chairman's advocate team further explained that in spite of their reiteration to grant an extension for Qasim Ibrahim until he is fit for travel, Corrections had denied to consider the request.

Qasim Ibrahim had undergone a successful heart surgery during his medical stay at Singapore.

The convicted lawmaker and JP leader received a 10 day medical leave initially which was later on extended to another 10 days, making a 20 day grant to seek required medical treatment from Singapore.