
Supreme Court orders to shuffle lower court judges

Chief judge of Criminal Court, Judge Adam Arif has been transferred to Drug Court.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) stated that the Supreme Court ordered the transfer of three judges according to the policy that allows lower court judges to be transferred within courts.

Civil Court judge Hussain Faiz Rasheed was changed to the Criminal Court while Drug Court judge, Ali Rasheed was transferred to the CIivil Court. Chief Criminal Court judge, Adam Arif was transferred to Drug Court, informed JSC.

Adam Arif was appointed as the chief judge of Criminal Court after the abrupt transfer of judge Abdul Baaree Yusuf, who was then the head of Criminal Court. He was later changed to another position following the controversial February 1st Supreme Court order, after which Judge Ahmed Hailam was appointed as his successor.

Judge Adam Arif was heavily criticized for some trials conducted in the Criminal Court. He has overseen several high profile political cases, and is the judge who sentenced leader of Jumhooree Party, Gasim Ibrahim to the prison while he was hospitalized. He was also in charge of journalist, Ahmed Rilwan's disappearance case.

Adam Arif previously gave a statement to authorities that former Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and top court judge, Ali Hameed were exerting undue influence on lower courts. The statement was leaked on social media, which prompted the public calling for his resignation.

Adam Arif previously served as an attorney at the Prosecutor General's Office for several years. He represented the State in the high profile case where former Defence Minister was charged and convicted for illegal possession of firearms.