
Move to transfer lower court judges unconstitutional, claims Suood

The transfer of lower court judges from on court to the other without their consent is unconstitutional, says President of Commission on Murders and Enforced Disappearances, and former judge, Husnu Al Suood.

He made the statement following the Judicial Service Commission's decision to transfer judges of three different lower courts between other courts.

Suood said judges cannot be shuffled around within courts without their consent except as a disciplinary action.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) stated on Wednesday that the Supreme Court ordered the transfer of three judges according to the policy that allows lower court judges to be transferred within courts.

Civil Court judge Hussain Faiz Rasheed was changed to the Criminal Court while Drug Court judge, Ali Rasheed was transferred to Civil Court. Chief Criminal Court judge, Adam Arif was transferred to Drug Court, informed JSC.

Adam Arif was appointed as the Chief Judge of Criminal Court after the abrupt transfer of judge Abdul Baaree Yusuf, who was then the head of Criminal Court.