
7 years later, Reeko Moosa assault case in trial


The assault case of former Hulhuhenveyru MP and Deputy Speaker of Parliament Reeko Moosa Manik during the MDP protest of February 8, 2012, has been presented for investigation and the trial is instigatied.

The government of former President Mohamed Nasheed was overthrown on the day prior. As such, several MDP supporters took their outrage to the streets the next day. Police used extreme force in retaliation to the protest led primarily by Nasheed, due to which he, several prominent members, and supporters of the party were injured.

Reeko Moosa Manik was assaulted by a police officer from Gdh. Thinadhoo, named Mohamed Waheed.

While the case is being re-assessed seven years since its occurrence, several witnesses were brought to court for questioning on Tuesday. This included several reporters, and current Information Commissioner Hussein Fiyaz Moosa who worked at Haveeru News at the time.

The case is being regarded again through efforts to quickly conclude cold cases accumulated at the Criminal Court. The Prosecutor General's (PG) Office have previously forwarded trivial cold cases to trial.

The implicated officer from Gdh. Thinadhoo Mohamed Waheed initially withdrew the case after writing a letter to the office. However, the case was put forward due to the severity of injuries and the fact that the perpetrator was a police officer.

Following the incident - Moosa Manik - who had occupied several prominent positions in MDP retracted from the party. Subsequently, after heavily criticizing Nasheed, he signed with their long-standing competitor, PPM.

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