
India extends easing of visas for Maldivians traveling to India


Those traveling from Maldives for business and education purposes can travel to India, the country has announced.

India, where the second most number of COVID-19 cases has been recorded, shut its borders as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. However, some leniency have been extended to Maldivian travelers from time to time. Medical visas are already being issued for treatment in India under certain conditions.

Maldives’ Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid and Indian Ambassador to the Maldives, Sanjay Sudhir held a meeting on Sunday afternoon, after which the Foreign Ministry revealed the easing of visas for Maldivian students, their guardians and for business purposes.

The Foreign Ministry said those who qualify to travel to the neighbouring nation must seek the necessary permits from the Counsular Department of the Ministry. Those who recieve the permit can travel between the travel bubble established between India and Maldives.

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