
Details of 'Hiyaa' flat pricing not provided despite request

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has not shared full information regarding how the prices of the 'Hiyaa' housing flats were formulated, Male' City Council has said.

The City Council requested the information from HDC last Wednesday during a meeting between the Council and the Planning Ministry. The meeting was mainly regarding lowering the monthly rent set for the housing units by the current government.

Male' City Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said under efforts to urge the government to bring down the monthly rent of the units, the City Council requested HDC for information regarding the price breakdown, and it was agreed that the information would be provided. However, the information has not been provided thus far, and the City Council has reiterated its request, said Muizzu.

During a press conference held Wednesday following the meeting with Planning MInistry, Mayor Muizzu said the prices for the flats were decided by the previous government after discussion between the Housing Ministry, the President's Office, and HDC. The prices were set after careful consideration of all aspects, and in such a way that it would not be a burden on the public, he noted. While the previous government had set the monthly rent of the units at MVR 5,500 per month, the new government had declared that the previously announced prices were not feasible and changed the monthly fee to MVR 7,500 per month.

Muizzu said during the press conference that he requested more information on how the monthly rent was set. While he does not believe such a significant change should apply to the monthly rent, he believes the rent should be maintained at an amount close to what the previous government had set.

A day after the City Council requested details regarding the prices, the government on Thursday announced for the first time that the Hiyaa Project was awarded to the party that had proposed the highest price.

Speaking at a press conference held by the President's Office, government Spokesperson Mohamed Mabrook Azeez said each unit costs US$ 62,000 and that while five parties had submitted proposals, the project was awarded to the highest bidder. There was a difference of US$ 10,000 between the prices quoted by the party that won the project and the party that proposed the second highest price, while the remaining parties had quoted prices between US$ 50,000 and US$ 52,000 per unit, said Mabrook.

"The cost does not include tiling and installation of doors or kitchen cabinets. This does not include the cost of painting, installation of lights, and fans. This price only includes electricity wiring and water supply. While all parties had submitted proposals under the same scope, I do not know wh the previous government awarded the project to the party that quoted the highest price," Mabrook had said.