
Manadhoo murder suspect remanded in custody pending trial

A suspect arrested in connection to the murder of Naeema Moosa, N. Manadhoo, has been ordered to remain in custody pending trial.

Naeema, a 62-year-old woman, was reported missing in April this year after she failed to show up for work and could not be contacted. On the evening of April 7, the police arrived at her residence and forcibly entered her room, where they found her lifeless body on the floor, bearing numerous stab wounds. Naeema was laid to rest on April 8 without a post-mortem examination. Three arrests have since been made in connection to the murder.

The police said Ahuzam, a 23-year-old from Fehivilaage, Manadhoo, was ordered to remain in custody pending trial after his initial five-day remand expired on the 11th of this month. It has been reported that Ahzam has confessed to killing Naeema and provided details to the police regarding the incident.

In addition to Ahzam, Abdul Wahid Rifas, 21, of Finifenmage, Manadhoo, and Hussain Fawaz, 21, of Vinares, Manadhoo, were also apprehended in connection to the murder. Fawaz has been ordered to remain in custody pending trial, while Rifas' 30 days remand has not yet expired.

Ahzam and Rifas were both arrested from Manadhoo, whereas Fawaz was arrested in Male City. Ahzam was initially arrested on drug charges while police were already monitoring him on suspicion of Naeema's murder.