
CP Hameed to retire next month

Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has announced his intent to retire. Hameed conveyed the decision in a message shared with a social media group of police officials.

Commissioner Hameed joined the police force around the age of 17. He was dismissed during his tenure as the Chief Superintendent of Police and Head of Police Intelligence under the administration of former President Mohamed Waheed in August 2012 over allegations of leaking confidential police documents. Hameed challenged his dismissal in court, securing a victory in the Civil Court. However, the High Court later ruled that his dismissal was justified. The Supreme Court, on December 4, 2018, later declared his termination was wrongful, and he was reinstated and reassumed the position of head of police intelligence.

Hameed’s brother-in-law and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih temporarily appointed him as the Commissioner of Police on December 12, 2018, when he took office. Hameed was officially appointed Commissioner of Police on March 26, 2019, and has been the Commissioner of Police since then.

In his retirement message, Hameed noted his contribution to the institution's development by joining the police service for the second time and thanked the police chiefs and all police officers for their support and cooperation in the process. According to the message, he is set to retire in the coming month, with his retirement date scheduled for November 11.

Hameed's message acknowledged that some people misjudged him in his pursuit of his professional duties and principles. Hameed said the institution's reputation was already tarnished when he took over as the Commissioner of Police. He worked to re-strengthen the ranks of the police, directing his efforts primarily towards the institution's future, putting aside his personal biases and opinions, he said.

Hameed added that the public holds high expectations for the police, and there is still more to be done to strengthen the police force. He committed to sharing his experiences and insights in the future.