
Adeeb given one hour to present witnesses

Former Vice President Adeeb has been given one hour to present his witnesses in the case hearing if the Finifenmaa Explosion.

Adeeb has been accused of taking unfair advantage of his position to plant a bomb in the President’s official speed launch Finifenmaa. The state had presented four witnesses to testify against Adeeb.

After the State had presented it’s witnesses, Adeeb’s defence Lawyer Moosa Siraj was given one hour to escort witnesses to testify for the defence. The Judge residing in Adeeb’s case, Judge Baaree has said that the court would not take the defence’s witness testimonies if they were late than one hour. Judge Baaree has also said that he would deliver the final verdict without the defence’s witness if they took more than one hour to present the defence’s witnesses.

The Criminal Court bench overseeing the weapons possession charges filed against former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb had been dismissed and the case had been handed over to Judge Abdul Baaree Yoosuf. Judge Baaree has also been appointed to oversee other court cases filed against Ahmed Adeeb.